Additional needs
Next Stage
Prepare your FE students for employment with Next Stage: specialist drama workshops for SEND
Next Stage uses participatory drama workshops to develop the essential skills and mindset that students need to become workplace ready.
Delivered by our expert Creative Practitioners in collaboration with your staff, the workshops are structured to complement existing programmes for SEND students in FE, such as Supported Internships or Employment Preparation.
The projects include:
Tickets to a West End theatre show of your choice for £8 (mid-week matinee)
8 x 90-minute drama workshops in college
1 x CPD session for staff
Communication Impact workshop
Visit to a theatre-related workplace e.g. a West End theatre or theatre marketing agency
Key Outcomes
Through Next Stage, students develop employability skills in several key areas including:
Communication and presentation skills
Listening skills
Evaluation and goal-setting